Austistic and Dyslexic Kids are Mine

I have a lovely, high functioning boy with PDD. I'll call him Zip! He also has a twin sister with dyslexia. We'll call her Mip! If you know us you might figure it out. If not, and if you know any autstic, dyslexic, or different kids, join the family's adventures in learning disabilities, public schools, people's reactions, and finally I believe - transendence.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Welcome to Different Learning

Hello - I'm a Mom just like you. I've got a houseful of kids, and I'm a single mom who struggles sometimes.

I have a son who was labelled austic when he was 2 years old. He's in middle school now, and while we have our struggles - the direst predictions have not come true. Zip! is what we'll call him for the blog world. After all, he's stil a kid and deserves to establish his own identity when he's older.

Another child - this one's a girl and she's dyslexic. Let's call her MIP! Though unburderdened with the social problems of an autistic, her disability has caused her stress, trouble with self esteem - and in the end, I believe the soul of a warrior.

Oh yeah - one more kid - We'll call him Chip - he's unburdened by severe learning disabilities - but seems pretty introverted and maybe not a typical child. He's been labelled as ADD, but functions well without medication.

And of course, the more I read, the more I wonder out about my own self. Could I have aspberger's, ADD, etc. And then the more I read, the more I think that everybody does.

Welcome to my world!


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